
So long!

Well, I'm sitting in a very empty dorm room, with just my computer and backback still on the desk. I said goodbye to my roommate and other friends today, and a few tough goodbyes still remain. I told my parents I wanted a good home-cooked meal waiting for me when I got home. It's all good. ;-)

I know that part of my reluctance to leave Charleston for home is that that means that as soon as I get back, I must start preparing for my trip to Ireland. This is exciting, but also very nerve-wracking at the same time! I know I'll love it, and I'll probably want to go back, but I'm still a bit nervous. Imagine that!

I'm singing in church tomorrow! Here are the lyrics--it's a great song by Todd Agnew, a sort of modern day hymn. Maybe it was a hymn at one point, I'm not sure, but I love the lyrics.

Eternal God, unchanging
Mysterious and unknown
Your boundless love, unfailing
In grace and mercy shown

Bright seraphim in ceaseless flight
around Your glorious throne
They raise their voices day and night i
n praise to You alone

Hallelujah, Glory be to our great God.
Hallelujah, Glory be to our great God!

Lord, we are weak and frail
Helpless in the storm
Surround us with Your angels
old us in Your arms

Our cold and ruthless enemy,
his pleasure is our harm
Rise up, O Lord, and he will flee
before our sovereign God

Hallelujah, Glory be to our great God.
Hallelujah, Glory be to our great God!

Let every creature in the sea and every flying bird
Let every mountain, every field and valley of the earth

Let all the moons and all the stars in all the universe
Sing praises to the living God who rules them by His word

Hallelujah, Glory be to our great God.
Hallelujah, Glory be to our great God!

I haven't sung a solo in a while--it should be fun. :-D

On a lighter note, today I did something I'd never done before--I mopped a ceiling. I count that among some of my greater accomplishments. Anyway, next tim I write, I will be home, and soon, Ireland! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I hope the hymn goes well; the lyrics are lovely as is your voice.

    Saying goodbye to me wasn't too hard, eh? It did feel a little surreal, though. Three months without Hillary? :/ Man oh man. At least you'll be having a blast in Dublin.
