
Rain Rain, Go Away!

It is very nasty in Dublin today! Rainy and windy and cold. Right now, I'm chilling in the computer lab with the gang on the top floor of one of the school buildings. In lieu of having class, tonight our Anglo-Irish Lit gang is going on a Literary Pub Crawl.

For more info, click here: http://www.dublinpubcrawl.com/fa_qustions.htm

Should be fun! The actors/tour guides will take us to different pubs and act out scenes from Irish lit along the way. But I seriously hope that it stopes raining by that time!

Yesterday, we went to go see the Seafarer at the Abbey Theatre--great play!! Hilarious, but also with some somber moments and some definite, sometimes subtle, religious symbolism. It was so much fun.

Most importantly, today is my mum's birthday! Happy Birthday, Mom!! Make the guys take you out to dinner and I will call tonight! :-D

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