
Made it! :-)

Hello, all! I landed safely in Dublin this morning. And where it is 10 AM your time, it is 3pm here. It took forever for us to get to our repective apartments, which are spread out around the city. I'm living with several other girls--the key to the house looks like a key from Scooby Doo-- I will post pictures soon of the cool key and my house.

And can I digress and say that I maintain that the moment a plane takes off is by far one of the coolest moments ever? I was grinning like a fool just like the last time I was on a plane--when I was probably 8. ;-)

What little I've seen of the Emerald Isle is lovely! Dublin is so much like Charleston that it's crazy. The area I'm in is called Mount Pleasant, and the college I'm studying at is in front of a park called Merrion Square. How weird!

This post will be short because I need to finish unpacking, and possibly shower before heading out to dinner with the students and staff!


  1. I'm glad you're there safely! I have been trying all morning to connect to my dang internet with the express purpose of checking the blog. Sigh. If I get a virus for being on an unsecured network, well it's my own fault. ;P

    Mount Pleasant! Merrion Square! You're living in a parallel universe! That is sweet!

    I am excited for the pictures, especially of your Scooby Doo like existence. :)

  2. well i am leavin my first ever comment on your blog and would like to say i can't wait to continue to reading about the adventures you have in ireland...

    i miss you and im prayin for you...and um, we better have a skype date since i downloaded it basically for you, cuz heck i will use skype on a camp comp if i have to use it, which i dont think i used it all last summer...anyways off subject

    i love you, find me an irish man, a rock and whatever else i told you haha

  3. I am glad you made it safely. Have fun and be safe.
    Pictures! Did u day pictures ...i love pictures.....
    Talk to you soon , Love Mom

  4. anonymous?????? how did that happen ???You know i am such a techy,,,,hahaha, mom
