
"So Kiss Me, and Smile for Me..."

Tell me that you'll wait for me.
Hold me like you'll never let me go.

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane,
don't know when I'll be back again. (June 14th)
Oh, babe, I hate to go... (not really!)

Well, here is the obligatory night-before-I-leave post! :-) My big suitcase is packed, and my backpack is on it's way to being packed, too. My parents are making a good-bye dinner, I have an address book in my purse, and a long list of souveniers to hunt down. ;-) John Denver's "Leavin on a Jet Plane", quoted above, is playing as I write this, which is sending me through crazy CLR nostalgia, as that was our inexplicable staff 2007 theme song. :-)

I'm not nearly as nervous as I should be. My mom has impressed me thus far, but tomorrow at the airport will probably be different. I'm not a fan of goodbyes--hopefully this one will be a "have a great time" goodbye, you know? Unlike John Denver, I don't hate to go. And I'm not bringing back a wedding ring either! ;-)

Here's what you guys need to know: I'm leavin' on a jet plane at 6:15pm Thursday evening. I will switch planes in Philly, and I will land in Dublin, Ireland at 9 AM their time, which will be 4 am the morning Eastern Standard time. ;-) I don't think any of you want to get a phone call, huh?

Once I get to Ireland, a rep from the school will pick me up, and I will get a cell phone to use while over there-- and the cool thing is, all incoming calls are free. So, (keeping in mind that I am five hours ahead of you guys) feel free to call! As soon as I know the number, I will post it here.

Also, a way that is free for everyone, is for you to download Skype, and we can call computer-to-computer for free. Please do this! It is totally free to download, and computer-to-computer calls are free. If you download it, search my full name and we can talk for free! You CLR people will have no excuse not to call me. ;-)

I will also post my mailing address once I know it in case anyone would like to send me a letter. Gotta love snail mail. And of course, you all know my email! And Facebook! I'm not falling off the edge of the earth here.

What else is left? I will miss you all. In four weeks, I will be back with enough stories to drive you all out of your minds! I will do my best to find the souveniers that some of you guys requested. I can't make any promises, but I can make the effort. ;-)

Pray for travel mercies, pray for safety, and pray that I will not only have a blast, but that I will stick close to God. :-) Love you guys. Next time I write-- I will write from Dublin, Ireland!


  1. I am so glad you are going yo Ireland, you are going to have so much fun. I wish you were going to be in some of the places I was so we could talk about them.

    It is amazing how Lewis, or Jack as his friends called him, writes. He seems to understand things so much. It has taken me a long time and a lot of studying and thinking to understand this one concept. But Jack seem to be able to express me better than I can,

  2. So I definitely texted you at 5:45 my time in a panic for not wishing you well, forgetting that you wouldn't have your phone. Your mom messaged me back. It was hilarious.

    I'm leaving the safe travel and have a blast wishes here cuz I probably won't be awake at 4 a.m.
