
Handwriting Analysis

So, this is totally random and not about a tourist spot or school or anything! But the lady that works in our student union here at ACD came over to inspect the house to check up on repairs, and she analyzed our handwriting! She studied psychology, and told us what our handwriting told us about our personality. It was odd, but very interesting. She was actually oddly on the money with us.

I seemed to fascinate her particularly. When the other girls immediatly left to go get samples of her handwriting, and I didn't, she looked at me, and said, "You, go get me a sample!" Haha!

I passed her my binder with my class notes on it, and she looked at it and immediately said, "You're an extrovert, you're definitely an extrovert."

I just laughed and nodded. But she looked at me again, and said, "But you can be shy sometimes, I think." Sure, right?

She kept looking at my notes, and here are the other things she said.

"You're very territorial--you don't like people coming in and out of your circle all the time. You don't mind people coming in, but if they try to leave..." She just kind of trailed off here. ;-) I wasn't sure how I felt about this conclusion--it didn't make much sense.

Then she said, "You wouldn't take the spotlight all the time, you'd push someone else into it in some occassions." This amused me, because I (shamefully) enjoy being in the spotlight.

Then she said, "You're a home-body, I think. You like having connections to home." True enough. I laughed a lot, out of amusement, I think, and out of the slight awkwardness of the situation--being psychoanalyzed in front of my housemates, lol!

She moved on to the other girls, and we changed the subject, but in the middle of a conversation, where I was making a comment, she turned her attention back to me, and said, "You're very shy inside, I think. Despite your rough exterior. You're not all you're putting on, and you don't trust as easily as you should. Because you're very likable, you know."

I was a little stunned by this sudden intimate and oddly accurate conclusion. I'd like to hope that I am not putting up a facade. And I wasn't exactly sure how to take her comment about "rough exterior" but she immediately said that it wasn't a bad thing. Maybe she means diamond in the rough, type deal. ;-) lol!

I'm not a very shy person, I don't think. But there is a definite line. There are some parts of myself I give to everyone, and some parts that I give to no one, or very few. I'm not going to confide in people until I really get to know them.

And as far as trust goes, I think she is right on the money here. I'm a very trusting person in that I make friends pretty easily, and I always give people the benefit of the doubt, but when it comes to more intimate, emotional feelings or issues, I trust very few. I am slow to trust, but once I do, I trust fully, I think. The number of people to get to this level with me are fairly few.

If you can't tell, I was slightly rattled by Kathie's visit! The things she said were very intriguing. Some things I think were out there, but with others she was spot on. I remember being pretty interesting in handwriting analysis as a kid-- I once bought a book on it at a Scholastic book fair! ;-)

I don't take what she said too seriously, but it was definitely interesting and fun to hear what she had to say! Thanks Kathie! ;)


  1. I'll just say I was grinning at certain points. Very widely.

  2. This is really interesting :) I always liked learning what handwriting means about people, i wish i had bought that book you have LOL. You should bring it by the BCM house one day :)
    I miss you Hillary! I'm glad youre having such a good time though :)
    Be safe and continue enjoying life!
    XOXO Jaxie
