
Belfast (Its Own Entry!)

View from the bridge in Belfast (I'm telling you, I could sell these to Postcard companies!)

Nifty view of a red street!

Nifty Statue!

The Black Taxi we took on our Black Cab tour-- this is a tour that takes you to both sides, Catholic and Protestant, of the Troubles. The guide gave us a history of the conflict, and showed us murals painted on residences of both sides.

Kasey and I in the Black Taxi.

This a mural painted on a Protestant house. It reads, "Can it change? We believe."

This is the fence that leads into the wall, known as the Belfast Berlin Wall that divides Protestant and Catholic Communities. To this day, it is still locked at nightfall.

The tour guide stopped the Cab so we could get out and write a peace message on the Belfast Berlin Wall.

Me, posing in front of the Paddywagon bus!

St. Patrick's Cathedral--beautiful! And inside, they have some relics, including the preserved head of a saint, St. Oliver Plunkett, but I will not post that picture for any sensitive readers.

This is just a view from the bus. The picture amuses me. ;-)

The Belfast Wheel and City Hall. As you can see, it was a gorgeous day in Belfast!

This is the view from the Belfast Wheel.


I think I gave a brief description of my day in Belfast with Kasey in the last entry. So, this go round, I added some pictures with some captions to help it along. I definitely want to return to Belfast one day later in life--it was a beautiful city with a fascinating, if sombering history.

I hope the pictures add to what I wrote before! :-D

1 comment:

  1. Aw, did you always say nifty or is that another roommate adoption?

    There is a really cute typo in here, fyi. But I'm not telling where..

    Do you like that "Emergency Exit" is in the sky because I totally do too.
