
The Creaking of a Rusty Gate

"If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love, I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate." - 1st Corinthians 13:1

In this verse (given here in the Message translation) lies one of my most intense fears.

Even as a child, I've longed to be a writer-- the shape has changed over years. I've gone from dreams of journalism, poetry, short stories, novels, essays, inspiration, even devotional books. I am still unsure how God will use me as his vessel in this way.

I can put words in a nice order. Hopefully, I can paint pictures, incite emotion, weave stories; I've strived my whole life to improve, to better "speak with human eloquence." I even hope that I can write in such way to bring godly joy to others, to incite "angelic ecstasy."

But, here, so plainly stated--if I don't love, my words, so carefully arranged, built like a house of cards or intricately weaved together like a floral wreath, will be nothing but dust in the wind, the "creaking of a rusty gate."

"And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest is love."

If I could use only one word for Christ other than God, it would be Love. I long to please Christ with my poetry, to carve his presence in stories or even this blog entries, but if I don't do this out of love for you, and greatest of all, love for Christ, I am nothing. He must become greater, I must become less. Let me not presume that anything I say will be worthwhile if it's not about the breath-taking beauty of God.

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