
Welcome to the Real World

Some of you may know that I'm in San Francisco for the week; what you might not understand is what I'm doing here.

Right now I'm sitting in a classroom listening to Mark Dennis, the Cheif Investigator of Not For Sale and the Executive Director of Redeemed Ministries talking about various types of human trafficking and modern slavery. I'm one of 14 people attending a conference put on by Not For Sale called the Investigator Academy, where participants learn to recognize and report human trafficking cases in their own communities and are given other information and skills for increasing awareness and taking action to end modern slavery. 

Some of you may say, "H, you live in Summerville, South Carolina. What kind of human trafficking could possibly be happening there?"

If you think that, I will point you here. Recently, there was a documented case of sex and labor trafficking in North Charleston, South Carolina. It's everywhere. It's real.  And the horror is that these criminals are some of the smartest and well-financed in the world whereas these victims get the least help and aftercare and rescue. The worst part of it is that the laws are outdated and traffickers can use our own ill-worded laws to continue their work.

Throughout the week, I will try to update and share the information I learn. By the end of the week, I will be hopefully be certified as a citizen investigator, and even if all I do with it in the beginning is start a club at school or lead Freedom Sunday at church or take care to be a smart consumer, that is all well and good. Though I would like to work more actively in this realm once I finish teaching and while I'm in grad school, I am not unaware that some of my most important engagement with this cause will be bringing more people on board, small steps at a time.

I invite you all to follow my blog as I continue this week, and I look forward to sharing my experience with you when I return.




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