

If you're reading these words, then you could be a vital part of a mission effort in Peru this Christmas. :-)

I am part of a 10ish member team who will be going to Peru after Christmas. The trip dates are from December 27th to January 7th. We're going (to quote the website I will give you below.)
to Peru after Christmas and work with the Ashaninka people group of central Peru! Short-term student volunteers are needed to teach Bible stories to the people group. Students will travel by bus and boat to the Ashaninka villages on the Tambo River. Six days will be spent on-site, sharing Bible stories. The Tambo River area is a beautiful jungle zone in Central Peru. Conditions will be primitive and you will sleep in tents.

My first request of you is to pray for the Ashaninka people. Next, for you to pray for the team, which so far consists of our leader, 5 guys, and 3 girls. We have one more spot open--pray for the person meant to fill this space--(and of course, contact me or go to the website if you think this is you.) Pray for us as a team to be stewards of our money and for God to provide funds--airfare to Lima is staggering at the moment. Pray for safety on the trip, and for the team to be unified and purposeful. And joyful! :-)

Also, I'd ask that you pray for my family and myself--they are a little miffed that I decided to go on this trip since the 28th of December is my birthday. ;-) Haha! I'm teasing, they are all very supportive. I am going to have to start fundraising because there is no way I can afford the plane ticket at the moment, but if I am a careful steward, I will not need much. :-) Obstacles--such as my debit card being cancelled due to fraudulent purchases--have arisen, but I find myself not nearly worried about the money as I might ought to be--I know this is where I am meant to go and that God will provide. :-)

You're prayers are invaluable from this point on! :-)


PS: For more information, visit this page:


  1. Aw honey, if I can land a stable job here soon I will contribute as much as I am able.

    I'll keep you in my prayers. For some reason when I pray for anyone else other than myself, miracles happen :) Go figure?

    I admire and love your constant state of selflessness and wish there were more people who emulated your behavior and actions.

    Hugs and kisses from Utah. Xoxo!

  2. i figured you would know.

    i hope you are doing well. are you going to be at TGT?

  3. awesome, i look forward to seeing you there
